What we do

We build long lasting cherished moments between consumers and brands that ensures long term love and loyalty across cultures and media.
Immersive retail
#engage #converse #submerge #interact
We design and facilitate retail POS solutions for biggest FMCG-brands in the World. We tailor immersive moments between your brand’s products and your beloved loyal user. Awareness and interactions funnelled to let customers engage with your platform.
Brand platforms
#launch #awareness #360 #ATL→BTL
Stating the obvious: Brands must relevant to their target group in order to thrive.
Developing an insights based brand platform that takes both deep brand- and consumer insights into consideration ensures that the long term conversation that you engage in with you target group is trustworthy for you to spark, differentiates you from competitors, but first and foremost is relevant and interesting for you audience.
Behaviorism, data crunching and service design are some of our fancy-pancy go-to-tools we utilize building the foundation on which brands rest for years.
Brand activations
#experience #moments #personal #fun
Do you recall your the last banner ad you saw? Neither can we.
Immersive experiences where numerous senses are engaged creates lasting brand experiences. Don’t get us wrong – human and digital experiences are like Batman and Robin. Different, but better together by far. A successful brand engagement activation setup must be meaningful, honest and anchored in something good. We try to push activation to another level.
FMCG consulting
#strategy #initiatives #focus #expand
Our FMCG consultants work shoulder to shoulder with clients to enable them to meet the future strategic imperatives vital for sustaining success. We help brands with launch the transformations to meeting the challenges we face in this new reality.
KAM - Pitch presentations
#datachrunch #visualizations #graphicdesign #pitchdeck
Yearly negotiations with retail chains make grown men cry. At Relevant we help Denmark’s largest FMCG-suppliers with pitch decks deeply founded deep insights and amplified by attention grabbing creativity.
Our finest task is to crunch Nielsen data, GFK shopper insights, scanner data, Power BI, etc. and turn advanced insights into a simple and attractive narrative for both retailers and our customers.
Brand design
#packagedesign #brandguides #UX/UI #digital #analog
Brand content
#topofmind #sharingiscaring #interact #impress
Social media platforms. Soo many to choose from. We got your back. We design collaborative content for your next product or brand campaign. Full scale from ATL to BTL. Retail experiences. Emmersive AR/VR, TVC, SoMe kits, VFX, illustrations. We craft original content delivered smoking hot to your feed, analog publications and digital platforms.
Identity design
#toneofvoice #lookandfeel #personality #visualuniverse
Every product needs to tell their unique story. Because that is what we want to buy into as customers. We want to see, smell, feel and experience your brands core values. We design brand identities across platforms and help you organise and communicate your story.
We design and facilitate retail POS experience solutions for some of the biggest FMCG-brands in the World. We tailor immersive moments between your brand's products and your beloved loyal user. Awareness and interactions funnelled to let customers engage with your platform.
Stating the obvious: Brands must be relevant to their target group in order to thrive. Developing an insights based brand platform that takes both deep brand- and consumer insights into consideration ensures that the long term conversation that you engage in with you target group is trustworthy for you to spark, differentiates you from competitors, but first and foremost is relevant and interesting for you audience.Behaviorism, data crunching and service design are some of our fancy-pancy go-to-tools we utilize building the foundation on which brands rest for years.
Do you recall your the last banner ad you saw? Neither can we.
Immersive experiences where numerous senses are engaged creates lasting brand experiences. Don’t get us wrong – human and digital experiences are like Batman and Robin. Different, but better together by far. A successful brand engagement activation setup must be meaningful, honest and anchored in something good. We try to push activation to another level.
Our FMCG consultants work shoulder to shoulder with clients to enable them to meet the future strategic imperatives vital for sustaining success. We help brands with launch the transformations to meeting the challenges we face in this new reality.
Yearly negotiations with retail chains make grown men cry. At Relevant we help Denmark’s largest FMCG-suppliers with pitch decks deeply founded deep insights and amplified by attention grabbing creativity.
Our finest task is to crunch Nielsen data, GFK shopper insights, scanner data, Power BI, etc. and turn advanced insights into a simple and attractive narrative for both retailers and our customers.
We build brands for humans. Our love is to study the world and translate our findings to meaningful and powerfull brand design solutions. We don’t think the real world and the digital are divided.
We are all part of the same pulse. We thrive on making brands look glorious and do good in the world.
Social media platforms. Soo many to choose from. We got your back. We design collaborative content for your next product or brand campaign. Full scale from ATL to BTL. Retail experiences.
Emmersive AR/VR, TVC, SoMe kits, VFX, illustrations. We craft original content delivered smoking hot to your feed, analog publications and digital platforms.
Every product needs to tell their unique story. Because that is what we want to buy into as customers. We want to see, smell, feel and experience your brands core values. We design brand identities across platforms and help you organise and communicate your story.