Baileys Colada
Baileys is the quintessential indulgence liquor, and they continually develop and introduce new flavours for indulgence occasions.
With a new line extension on the way with a taste of Piña Colada and a colourful, sunny design, Relevant’s task was to create a retail environment that inspired Danish consumers to taste the new flavour.
Sounds like a slam dunk, right? Just one small bump on the road: We had to market it during the early Danish spring, which is not exactly well-known for neither sun nor colours.
It’s dark outside. The sun hides behind thick, grey clouds, and the climate is cold and damp. So how do you market an exotic summertime drink in the season where most people hardly see the sun during the day?
Let’s be honest: Winter sucks. We all long for the sun and the summer to come around and cheer us up again. So we thought: “How can we make consumers feel that they’ve taken the first step towards summertime?” The idea came up to make a beacon of light and hope that played with multiple senses.
Human senses have an astounding ability to bring back past memories, especially from vacations. The aroma of a freshly baked pizza invokes memories of Italy, a salty breeze from the sea bring visions of the Caribbean shores, and the sun on your skin takes you back to your favourite beach.
Our mission was to arouse as many of consumers’ senses as possible and bring back memories of their favourite holidays: From afar, beautiful and vivid colours for the eyes to feast on – up close the aroma of freshly cut fruits and of course, the taste of Baileys Colada to tingle their tastebuds.
The solution was a retail environment with exotic flowers, golden sand, crystal clear water and a blazing sun up above that pulled consumers towards Baileys.