Client:Samsø ismejeri Execution:Brand identityBrand design Project date:2021

Samsø ismejeri

What if you want to challenge the Danish ice cream market with the ambition not to sell more but better ice cream and thereby raise the bar on the market? Ole Norré looked down and found that the answer was right in front of him: Ice cream made with local ingredients, fruits and berries from Samsø. 


The ice cream market is dominated by three national and international players, selling mostly mainstream ice cream to a broad cross-section of the Danish population.

All three producers have a strong hold on the Danish market, with a whole slew of fan favourites and classics that have almost been elevated to national cultural treasures. A tough market to penetrate.



Our aim was to truly capture the idyll and calm we associate with summer, ice and sand between the toes while looking at the sundown…

We boiled down the brand identity to three words:
Taste, Craftmanship, Calm

The brand identity came to life through a visual identity with playful use of colours, embracing the product’s sweet taste, and combining it with contemporary lines in both font and logo to convey calm and craftmanship.